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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
25 avril, 2023
Approches pour favoriser la paix dans la région du Rift Nord au Kenya

  The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC)/Interpeace Kenya Peacebuilding Programme has been facilitating community peace dialogues across the North Rift region counties of Baringo, Samburu, Turkana, Elgeyo Marakwet, and West Pokot since 2019. This has resulted in several peace agreements between communities with long-standing grievances – bringing about periods of relative peace and stability […]

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21 avril, 2023
Soutien à la médiation et la résilience pour la paix en Ituri et au Grand Nord-Kivu

  Interpeace RDC met en œuvre un projet dénommé « Soutien à la médiation et la résilience pour la paix en Ituri et au Grand Nord-Kivu. Au cours de la première année du projet, l’action menée par Interpeace et ses partenaires dont Pole Institute, Action pour la paix et la concorde APC et l’Université de […]

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27 mars, 2023
رعاية الصحة النفسية والاجتماعية نحو السلام المستدام – Executive Summary in Arabic

Interpeace’s seventh Peacebuilding in Practice paper, Mind the Peace, presents a guidance framework for practitioners to integrate MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood programming. It provides practical principles and guidance for programme implementers, researchers and donors who want to operationalise and support more integrated approaches to MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood development. The report draws on journals, books, mapping […]

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27 mars, 2023
Soigner les esprits pour cultiver la paix – Executive Summary in French

  Interpeace’s seventh Peacebuilding in Practice paper, Mind the Peace, presents a guidance framework for practitioners to integrate MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood programming. It provides practical principles and guidance for programme implementers, researchers and donors who want to operationalise and support more integrated approaches to MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood development. The report draws on journals, books, […]

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27 mars, 2023
Mind the Peace – Executive Summary in English

  Interpeace’s seventh Peacebuilding in Practice paper, Mind the Peace, presents a guidance framework for practitioners to integrate MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood programming. It provides practical principles and guidance for programme implementers, researchers and donors who want to operationalise and support more integrated approaches to MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood development. The report draws on journals, […]

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27 mars, 2023
Mind the Peace – Daniel Hyslop, Co-author/Head of Research & Senior Peacebuilding Advisor, Interpeace

  Interpeace’s seventh Peacebuilding in Practice paper, Mind the Peace, presents a guidance framework for practitioners to integrate MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood programming. It provides practical principles and guidance for programme implementers, researchers and donors who want to operationalise and support more integrated approaches to MHPSS, peacebuilding and livelihood development. The report draws on journals, […]

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